Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Russia 10 Rouble - II

10 Rouble, Rostov oblast
russia 10 rouble 2007 rostov oblastThis one is released for the Rostov oblast, where an oblast can have the same connotation as an area, zone, province or region. Pictured here is the Rostov oblast coat of arms.

Rostov oblast coat of arms
rostov oblast arms

10 Rouble, Archangel Oblast
russia 10 rouble archangel oblast 2007The legend below the figure reads "Arkhangelsk oblast", which translates to archangel oblast in English. An Oblast is an administrative division of Russia and the word can also be used in the same sense as a region. Arkhangelsk oblast lies to the North-Western side of Russia. The city of Arkhangelsk is apparently so named after the archangel Michael who is the guardian of the city.

Archangel Oblast
 coat of arms
archangel oblast coat of armsArchangel Michael slaying the devil by Raphael
archangel michael slaying the devil by raphael

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