Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rabindranath Tagore proof set Rebooking

Rabindranath Tagore proof set re-booking 
rabindranath tagore proof set bookingYet another re-booking. They are also increasing the booking rates quite sharply every 3-4 months, and doesn't look like justified to me. This is the third or fourth time Tagore sets have been released for booking, and a 5 rupee single proof coin is also available for booking. Don't know about you but I am rapidly losing interest in proof sets. The rates are shooting up which isn't justified as per me, and the coin quality is going down. The booking will be open from 16.8.2011 to 20.9.2011.

Check this link if you want to do booking:http://igmkolkata.spmcil.com/SPMCIL/Interface/Home.aspx 

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