Monday, April 4, 2011

One rupee coins: Republic India-VII

One rupee: international youth year
1 rupee international youth yearSymbol on the obverse : three lines between a dove and an olive branch. Both are signs of peace.So in 1985, the youth were urged to bring peace.

International Youth Year, or IYY, was held in 1985, to focus attention on issues of concern to and relating to youth. The proclamation was signed on January 1, 1985 by United Nations Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.

Throughout the year, activities took place all over the world. These activities were coordinated by the Youth Secretariat within the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, at the time based at the UN offices in Vienna, Austria. The Secretariat's director, Mohammad Sharif, was also the Executive Secretary for IYY. The President of IYY was Nicu Ceauşescu , son of the former dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu.

While not organising any specific events itself, under the year's slogan of "Participation, Development, Peace", the IYY Secretariat helped facilitate numerous events helping to make IYY a success.

The main UN event for IYY was the World Congress on Youth (in Spanish: Congreso Mundial Sobre La Juventud) organised by UNESCO and held in Barcelona, Spain July 8-15, 1985. It issued the "Barcelona Declaration" on youth.

One rupee: rainfed farming
1 rupee rainfed farmingWe all know that the water table is continuously going down due to excessive and unmindful usage. Harvesting rainwater for domestic and farming purposes is a solution to replenishing the depleted water table, and this is the reason the government started advocating rainfed farming in 1988.

One rupee: tourism year
one rupee tourism year
The figure shown on the obverse is a stylized peacock. The peacock is the national bird of India.This coin was minted in 1991 when India was trying to promote itself as a tourist destination.

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