Wednesday, December 22, 2010

USA State Quarters

USA Quarters-III
Guam state quarter
usa guam state quarterThe Guam state quarter is one of the 6 "not a state" state quarters. The island of Guam is a territory of the US which is not included in the 50 states. This is a part of the follow up of the popular state quarters program.

The design features an outline of the island of Guam along with two symbols associated with the island. At left is a sailing vessel known as the "Flying Proa" for its great speed. At right is a Latte, a stone pillar used in ancient houses. The reverse was designed by David Westwood and sculpted by Jim Licaretz.

Georgia state quarter
usa georgia state quarterIn the Georgia quarter, the selected design incorporates several symbols associated with this traditional, yet very diverse southern state.

Just from studying the Georgia quarter design, one can learn a lot about the fourth state of the Union. The selected design prominently features the peach - a symbol long associated with the state - within the confines of a silhouetted outline of the state. Live Oak sprigs border the central design paying homage to the official state tree, the Live Oak. And if you ever need to know the Georgia state motto, simply look across the top of the design, where the words "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation," can be seen on a hanging banner.

Connecticut state quarter
usa connecticut state quarterThe Connecticut quarter, the last 50 State Quarters Program coin issued in 1999, features "The Charter Oak": an integral part of Connecticut's heritage and existence. If not for the famed "Charter Oak", Connecticut - and this country in general - might be a very different place than it is today.

On the night of October 31, 1687, Connecticut's Charter was put to a test. A British representative for King James II, challenged Connecticut's government structure and demanded its surrender. In the middle of the heated discussion, with the Charter on the table between the opposing parties, the candles were mysteriously snuffed out, darkening the room. When visibility was reestablished, the Connecticut Charter had vanished. Heroic Captain Joseph Wadsworth saved the Charter from the hands of the British and concealed it in the safest place he could find - in a majestic white oak. This famous tree, "The Charter Oak," finally fell during a great storm on August 21, 1856.

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